me, mt rainer

Welcome to

The Book Of Ginger 1.1

Chapter 3: Ginger Facts

I am Tim, and I am a Ginger.

me snowy

Ginger Facts & Hiking & Snowboarding & "whatever" & "everything" & "other links" & "7 total?"

Left Side

  • day 1
  • day 2
  • day 3
  • day 44


I Cannot SPELL well at all. So please ignore errors in both grammar and spelling until this page starts looking like an actual page. Thanks.

I am looking to someday understand how html and other web design/programing stuff works. So yeah, this is going to be a long work in progress but hopefully it will work in the end... and I can't think of anything else to write in the test paragraph thing. So you, if you are still reading this, are just going to have to put up with some random text (not that, that is anything out of the ordinary for the internets).

It is Pretty up there. more to come maybe. if your lucky.

Know Your Ginger, Ginger Knowledge Basics

The Facts Gingers Day-Walkers 'Normal' People
Skin Tone Pale Normal Normal
Freckles Face covered Little to none Little to none
Soulfulness No Soul normal Soul normal
Hair Color RED Red non-Red

i did this

P.S. here is the Competition, who can learn this silly web HTML thing first!

By Tim Sessions